Sunday, November 9, 2014

B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt1 - Session 30

The party has been back in their town for months when the constable brings news of a goblin army preparing to invade the distant garrison of Fort Guido. The party journeys 3 weeks when a horrible storm destroys their gear and the mule runs off in the night. They enter the fort, meeting the elderly sentry, Rocco. The go to the inn, the Lion's Den, and extract some rumors from the Bartender and the old timer and make a deal for passage by boat with the 3 fishermen to the banks of the The Hill. After stopping at the general store and buying iron rations, they go to the ancient pools of healing and meet all the fort's inhabitants. Finally making their way to bed. The next morning they meet the fisherman and cross the river. And start climbing the trails. A Killer Bee is defeated, as is a couple of Stirges along the trail. A few forks later the path opens into a clearing, and ahead the dark opening of a cave. The party enters and happens upon a nest of Giant Bats...

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