Monday, November 17, 2014

B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt2 - Session 31

The bats make mince meat out of the group which flees out of the cave. They discover a previously unseen trail leading into a ravine and they take it. After several hours of hard climbing the trail splits and the group turns upward. The elf hears something approaching and all but Elwin the Worried hide in the overgrowth off the path. An ogre appears and smashes Elwin's arm. The dwarf attacks with his ax and Meneleus throws one throwing dagger +2. The injured ogre runs away. The party tries to follow but can't keep up. The cleric distributed the rest of Rocco's potion, healing the injured but causing them a strange drunkenness. Unable to move before nightfall, the group lies down in the middle of the trail. In the middle of the night a band of goblins stumbles upon them, The Cleric casts Light and the goblins are blinded. However their dire wolf is not. Many a blow are landed before Meneleus casts Light and the wolf is finished. Daybreak finds breakfast rations cooked and off they go. The trail comes to a clearing with a small white cottage. Two plumb grandmothers rush out and escort the group inside with offers of spice cakes and tea. The cottage seems much larger on the inside than the out.And the group is suspicious. However the women soon offer to heal them fully for the head of the evil ogre. A deal is struck and the group prepares to take on the quest.

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