Tuesday, November 25, 2014

B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt3 - Session 32

The two old women who live in the strange cottage, Rosabella and Rosalinda point out the trail that leads to the cave of the ogres. The party walks several hours until the path ends at a high cliff overlooking many miles of treetops below. After much discussion, the group remembers their rope and ties off to a nearby tree to descend to the caves below. They scuttle down safely and enter the far cave. From within, the sounds of crashes get their attention and after trying to bust through the door, it opens from within and they are face to face with 2 juvenile ogres. A battle ensues and the party is victorious. Deeper they delve. Discovering the ogres' bedroom, and the clear water pool. Finally they stumble upon of group of 6 captive goblins who beg for release. Their cries attract the parent ogres and a battle ensues. The party and goblin slaves manage to kill the 2 giants, and the Elf collects the ogre's head for their hosts. The party tries to retrace their steps but no one seemed to have been mapping...and they find themselves lost under the hill.

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