Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Cursed Cove - 1 - Session 52

Before the party can board the pirate ship, a strange dark Cleric (C2) warns them that they are carrying disease of the rats. He leads them back to his monastery, where they are able to get potions of Cure Disease from the cleric's master. They rush back to the ship and leap for the deck. The dwarf falls into the water and is rescued. They sail for a day and the wind ceases. After five days adrift, the pirates grow weary of the dark cleric. Finally the pirates turn on the party. Meneleus casts Phantasmal Force of a dragon, and chaos erupts. Suddenly the lookout cries Squall! and its every man for himself. The ship is battered by the storm and finally at dawn crashes on a reef surrounding a small island. The party manage to swim to the beach. They are attacked by a huge dinosaur. The dwarf is rendered near dead, but Thack brings the dark cleric's Potion of Healing.

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