Sunday, December 13, 2015
The Cursed Cove - 13 - Session 66
Leave caves. Lost in the woods. Split the party. Cullen attacked by skeletons, loses sword. Cullen found. Explore cave. Camp in mouth.
The Cursed Cove - 13 - Session 65
Gilganthos, Thack, and Cullen DeFlitch are the only survivors. Thack climbs tree, sees smoke. Find campsite. Cullen trapped. Meet Kang. Down into the tunnels. Find prisoners. Charm the hobgoblin. Leave cave.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
The Cursed Cove - 13 - Session 64
Break camp. Thief acting strangely. Slips off alone. Ranger finds him. Gets attacked by Panther. Continue down road. Find Fort. Party investigates a strange stump. Gilganthos finds Blackstache's diary and map. Follow to boneyard beach. Kill the dinosaur.
The Cursed Cove - 12 - Session 63
Cullen Defiltch follows Elf through the woods to the Cloverfield. Elf enters silver pool.
Thief encounters Witch. Saves Elf. Back to camp.
The Cursed Cove - 11 - Session 62
Find animal trail through the woods. Standoff with were-dwarf. Enter dwarf's stick hut. Find secret room. Read Runes. Find Staff of Healing. Continue and end up back at Pirate Bridge. Go back to Gorilla area. Attacked again. Run for it. Ambush Gorillas. Camp.
The Cursed Cove - 10 - Session 61
Party wanders through the woods finds a beach. Follow beach to river. Camp for the thunderstorm.
The Cursed Cove - 9 - Session 60
Party defeats the gorillas. Finds rope bridge through the treetops. Investigate but turn back. Get lost in the woods. Lose the road.
The Cursed Cove - 8 - Session 59
Party finds and travels down overgrown brick road. Finds hanging corpses. Attacked by Gorillas in the trees. Climb up to fight.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
The Cursed Cove - 7 - Session 58
Party meets the pirates.
Learns about the witch and Blackstache.
Tries to cross the river.
The hobbit falls in.
Gilganthos potions of growth, plucks out hobbit.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
The Cursed Cove - 6 - Session 57
The ape men captured the party and lead them high into the mountains. Meneleus turned invisible and followed at a distance. The party met the witch who persuaded them to assist her to find the Heart of Kings gemstone. She had them look into her cauldron where they saw images of Gilganthos, Brother Perceval, Gimlet Magee, and Jean Que Scrabblhair. All but Cullen chose to trade places with the resurrected adventurers. And they all succumbed to sleep. The next morn they requainted themselves but the dark cleric evilly tried to kill Cullen. He cast Light and blinded the entire party save Garett. Garret defended the party but fell to the cleric. Though blind, Jean Que scrabblhair felled the cleric and the party headed out down the mountain in search of the Heart of Kings. After fighting more island wildlife, a village appeared far below.
The Cursed Cove - 5 - Session 56
Thack found his rope hanging on the cliff in the light of day and the group crawled up out of the swamp. After walking the trail into the mountains for half a day they heard approaching voices from behind and scattered into the woods to ambush. Several ape men appeared and Thack misread a signal and stepped into the middle of trail. The ape men yelled Get Him! and one kicked Thack deep into the trees. Finally an arrow was loosed and the battle began. Cullen broke his +1 bow, and Meneleus summoned a Phantasm Force of the jaguar.
The Cursed Cove - 4 - Session 55
After making their way back the cliff wall, the weather finally broke. The thieves tried desperately to climb the cliff but both fell from great heights. The rest explored a nearby cave and after defeating the boar that lived inside, spent a much needed night's rest.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
The Cursed Cove - 3 - Session 54
Thoroughly exhausted and the night creeping in, the party decides to stay in the hut for the night. However, since both spell casters need a full night's sleep and the thief fears tomorrow fatigue, they tie the sword and the mace together with the magic user's small sacks and place it over the cracked door. Near dawn, the thief awakens to the strange sounds outside but cooly doesn't investigate. At dawn the tide is in, and after relearning spells, they battle 4 lizard men that emerge from the water. 1 is killed but 2 get away. A forth is captured and interrogated rather harshly by the thief. Words are exchanged and a vendetta is vowed as the last lizard men gets away.
Behind the hut a small path leads to a second hut. The cleric casts detect evil and the sky thunders and the hut's roof glows briefly. At the hut, the thief finds a strange glowing cursed sword -2 labelled "BS". He takes it.
Friday, June 26, 2015
The Cursed Cove - 2 - Session 53
After driving the dinosaur back into the jungle with Meneleus's dagger stuck in its eye, and healing the fallen dwarf, the party separated. Marti Martini went up into the hills and fell victim to a giant spider's web. The dark Cleric and the thief, Garrow wandered through the jungle and were attacked by Gorillas. The cleric managed to escape but Garrow was slain and his body taken by the beasts. The rest ventured into the swamps in search of food. Thack fished and once the tide receded a path led to a thatch hut protected by a gang of lizard men.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
The Cursed Cove - 1 - Session 52
Before the party can board the pirate ship, a strange dark Cleric (C2) warns them that they are carrying disease of the rats. He leads them back to his monastery, where they are able to get potions of Cure Disease from the cleric's master. They rush back to the ship and leap for the deck. The dwarf falls into the water and is rescued. They sail for a day and the wind ceases. After five days adrift, the pirates grow weary of the dark cleric. Finally the pirates turn on the party. Meneleus casts Phantasmal Force of a dragon, and chaos erupts. Suddenly the lookout cries Squall! and its every man for himself. The ship is battered by the storm and finally at dawn crashes on a reef surrounding a small island. The party manage to swim to the beach. They are attacked by a huge dinosaur. The dwarf is rendered near dead, but Thack brings the dark cleric's Potion of Healing.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Rats in the Walls - 3 - Session 51
Yet another pirate appears to help slay the beast, Garrow T2. Soon surrounded by 2 dozens giant rats. The party finally slays the Demon Rat. Garrow races topside with Cullen, Thack close behind. Irongut collects arrows. Meneleus finds 200 gold, a pearl ring, and the Amulet of Health. The race to the ship to set sail...
Rats in the Walls - 2 - Session 50
The blue plated pirate makes a deal with party, joined by Sean Irongut D2 & Marty Martini H2. Find 2 secret rooms, the demon voice beckons. Fight the Skeletons. Descend the rank steps. Discover the Demon Rat.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Rats in the Walls - 1 - Session 49
The party having returned to the city hears tales of a strange pirate ship at the dock. They investigate and stumble upon a new tavern, the Slippery Eel. Once inside the owner, Xill, hires them to rid the basement of rats, but the mystery thickens when the party finds a strange diary under the floor, and Xill's daughter confides in Meneleus she's having the same dreams. The party fights rats. Down the basement, they discover a secret door in the floor which descends far below the surface. In the dark they see a tall soapstone statue and fight more rats, but what is that foul stench coming from the stairway leading even deeper...
Sunday, May 3, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt19 - session 48
Thack, Meneleus, and Cullen press on, beaten and bruised. They stumble upon a pair of sleeping lava lizards and successfully sneak past them toward a mysterious door. Inside they discover the skeletal remains of a warrior still clad in his plate mail +1. They take his 5 +2 arrows and his fallen sword +1 (+3 vs dragons). Thack finds a secret door. and they continue but the small passageway abruptly dead ends. Thack heroically finds another secret door and they enter. Thack moves silently and walks out onto a shifting floor covered in gold coins. He sees a large red scaled wormlike shape curling off into the distance. He returns and relays this info to the others. They debate a plan. Cullen and Thack move silently out into the cavern. Meneleus steps out and makes a loud noise. The large shape turns and reveals itself to be a large red dragon. They talk to it for a while before they sensed that the dragon was going to breathe fire breath. Meneleus cast the web scroll at the dragon's snout, giving them 2 free rounds to attack. They agreed to subdue the dragon, but none could hit it. Eventually Meneleus was able to sneak behind the dragon, but before he could give the growth potion to Cullen, Cullen had successfully struck the dragon with several hits of the flat of his new sword. The dragon surrendered and the party collected his spoils. A wand, a rod, a ring, a bag, and much gold. The dragon led them out onto the surface of the hill. They journeyed to the river, where the fisherman were waiting to pickup Greenleaf. They were afraid, but took the party back to Fort Guido, dragon in tow. In the tavern, Thack found Rosalinda Rosabella waiting to collect their promised item as payment. He led them out to the dragon. They chose the dragon, but the party was slow to relent. Eventually it was all worked out. And after spending several weeks recuperating, they made the long journey back to their own land. Meneleus and new permanent party member, Cullen DeFilch leveled up.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt18 - session 47
Storm the beach. Rain of spears. Chase in the dark. An invisible Magic-user scout. Bridges over lava. More hail of spears. Sir Uool kills the kobold leader, but slips on the bridge. Kasper Greenleaf rushes out to save him but fails. They both plunge to their deaths. Meneleus, Thack, and Cullen continue. Find the kobold stronghold. Move up 60 feet of stairs. Find a room of darkness and a fallen adventurer with potions and scrolls...
Friday, April 24, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt17 - session 46
Meneleus, Thack, Uool, Greenleaf, Cullen DeFiltch, and Twandi Shade move past the cube and find themselves in an identical but all new, 8 doored room. They promptly mark the doors and begin taking paths. MEneleus falls into a pit. They get attacked by giant bees. They defeat a lava lizard. And eventually end up at an underground stream which is shallow enough to wade through. They are blocked upstream and after reversing direction and many hundreds of yards, they see a beach ahead, with a small humanoid figure turned away. Meneleus yells out. It turns and spies them, then runs out of sight. The party hurries to the beach. They hear a loud horn sound and suddenly a group of humanoids with spears in hand crests the rise...
Thursday, March 19, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt16 - session 45
Party continues searching for a way out. Find themselves walking in circles. Defeat the Gelatinous Cube.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt15 - session 44
Continue spiking doors after Perceval's death. Knock on the door. Sir Uool (F1) requests party help to destroy his band of bersekers in exchange for showing the way back to the surface of the Hill. Party is too weak to help, Uool leaves. Party spikes the door and waits out day and night to recuperate. In morning Uool remains outside door waiting and they leave. Uool leads them through the tunnels, they fight Giant Shrews, but Thack leaves rations with their young. Uool leads them to the chamber of Derywinki III and his berserkers. The "king" commands them to kneel and wisely they do. Derywinki says he will assist them but can't afford his soldiers at his moment. Onward, Uool leads them straight into the den of an Owlbear. They defeat it. Cullen DeFilch suggests they are following a madmen in circles. Then they come upon 4 Ghouls which they luckily defeat. Several coins are found in their trash pile. Uool finds an old shield and a corroded sword, he keeps the sword.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt14 - session 43
After exploring the rest of the rooms of the Hobgoblin King's hideout and spending the day and night trying to recover hit points, the party promptly fell down a trap door in floor. Long chute slide 300 feet down. 8 doored room. They venture out and defeat 3 bugbears, then backtrack. They are spiking doors to try to rest again, when 2 berserkers come in and kill Brother Perceval.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt13 - session 42
Harsh battle ensues, but party survives. Then encounter the hobgoblin King. Major battle. Meneleus uses new Ring of Invisibility to sneak up behind King. Also useful while throwing his Throwing Dagger +2. The King is defeated. Thack takes keys and opens a couple of trunks, containing treasure.
Monday, February 9, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt12 - session 41
The elf Sleeps the dogs, and Meneleus keeps him from killing them. Search the bodies. Find a Ring of Protection +1. Cullen DeFilch claims short sword +1. Continue. Find a room with a thoul. All but Meneleus and Thack knocked unconscious. Spike in for the night. Everyone okay in morning. Into the other room of bodies. Thack stumbles over an invisible magic user. Meneleus finds a Ring of Invisibility. Cullen DeFilch gets the long bow +1. Bugbear enters. Defeated. Move on to giant birdcage room. Close door. Onward. Get cornered in a barracks by 14 hobgoblins...
Monday, February 2, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt11 - session 40
The party kills all but one Robber fly, which escapes. Meneleus climbed the statue and used his knife to pluck a gem. Thack finds a secret door, and inside the room an evil cleric. After a long battle, Perceval took his mace +1. And found an old diary. Another door leads to no where. Cullen DeFiltch takes the other eye jewel. and finds another secret door. A ladder into a dark cave. Which leads to a cage underneath the statue. Rtreat and continue. Battle more goblins and hobgoblins. A door is mysteriously locked. Find a huge arena with four dead bodies, 2 fighters, a thief and a magic user. but guarded by growling dogs....
Sunday, January 25, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt10 - session 39
Thack uses his Wand of Paralyzation on the bugbear, then the party ties him up and camps for the night. Goblins enter near morning, 2 run for it, but Perceval gets one. The party explores the tunnel beyond the secret door in the tiny cell but it doesn't seem to lead anywhere. Next, they surprise three sleeping goblins and kill them. Inside a chest on the table, they find a strange set of gear. Moving on, they next find a imprisoned thief named Cullen DeFilch T2. They return his gear, and enter a large cave with a stream. Get attacked by three giant centipedes. Thack notices that the stream can sometimes be four feet high so they leave the area. They backtrack but run into 3 more goblins. Kill them. Continue to the foundry and walk up on a hobgoblin. Cullen tries to backstab with the battle axe +1 but fails. The creature alerts the room, which is filled with seven more hobgoblins and a bugbear and a strange old dwarf who hits a goblin in the head with his hammer. Meneleus casts his Sleep spell but the bugbear isn't affected. They battle and kill him. The dwarf is happy to be rescued. His name is Gareth Ironhand D2, and he joins the party. They continue down the hallways and find a room filled with equipment. Meneleus recommends torching it all so the goblin army can't use it. Which they do, next they come upon a locked door and after a few attempts they kick the door in and are greeted by four waiting goblins. The goblins run and the party kills a few but one gets away. Finally, the enter a room like a chapel with 7 rows of pews and a giant pumice statute of the god. Cullen climbs up to filch the gemstones from the eyes, but trips a trap. The statue's mouth opens and 4 robber flies attack.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt9 - session 38
Find a sacrifice pit. And then an armory fully stocked. Took some rations and a crossbow for Greenleaf in lieu of his shield +1. Killed 2 ogres and freed their Neanderthals prisoners. Got a large sack of gold and Thack found a Bag of Holding with a Wand of Paralyzation inside. Onward. Sleep the Hobgoblins and goblins but Kendra dies. Down to the dungeons. Tasted the cooking soup. Attacked by giant hairy goblin with a battle axe. Gimlet dies.
Monday, January 12, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt8 - session 37
Sleep the rats. Find arrow +2 and several coins. Indecision. Fruitless wandering. Split the party in different directions. Then finally, scroll of Detect Magic is cast at fountain. Party drinks. Some win and some lose. Outside and around building. Attacked by goblins from the bramble bushes. Sleep them. Kill leader take his shield +1. Hostage is threatened then released by Kendra. Followed into brambles by Thack and Gimlet. Find metal grate leading down. Head back to double doors. Examine Pillars inside. Thack finds a secret door...
Monday, January 5, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt7 - Session 36
Campfire draws 4 ghouls during first watch. Everybody paralyzed. Make it through night. Climb new trail. Dire wolf. Into the sanctuary. find a scroll of Cure Light Wounds (x2), Detect Magic, -------- Find the pool room, but leave and go back to rats hideout.
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