Monday, September 1, 2014

B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess Green - Session 6

The party entered the pool room and was immediately attacked by 5 Stirges. They struggled to kill 3 of the small flying creatures before the remaining escaped. But not before Elwin the Worried had been drained lifeless. They heard some yells from far away. Kendra was able to identify the voices as Hobgoblin. They were holding a prisoner. They decided to attempt a rescue. Tawndi and Erol Otus were blocked by the wild chained White Ape. Erol Otus injured it and it dropkicked Tawndi unconscious. The party moved to safety and Erol Otus tried CPR on Tawndi but rolling a critical miss, slipped and fell against the thief. However his weight was enough to jumpstart her heart, and she was back in business albeit weary of further excitement. The party snuck up on the captors and Erol Otus kicked in the door, surprising the Hobgoblins. After the hobgoblins were killed, the party was introduced to the Perceval (C1), who Kendra recognized as her charge. They continued on, exploring the tunnels below, discovering the statue of the Red Eye. Finally they found themselves back where they had started but now behind the White Ape.

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