Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Cursed Cove - 13 - Session 64

Break camp. Thief acting strangely. Slips off alone. Ranger finds him. Gets attacked by Panther. Continue down road. Find Fort. Party investigates a strange stump. Gilganthos finds Blackstache's diary and map. Follow to boneyard beach. Kill the dinosaur.

The Cursed Cove - 12 - Session 63

Cullen Defiltch follows Elf through the woods to the Cloverfield. Elf enters silver pool. Thief encounters Witch. Saves Elf. Back to camp.

The Cursed Cove - 11 - Session 62

Find animal trail through the woods. Standoff with were-dwarf. Enter dwarf's stick hut. Find secret room. Read Runes. Find Staff of Healing. Continue and end up back at Pirate Bridge. Go back to Gorilla area. Attacked again. Run for it. Ambush Gorillas. Camp.

The Cursed Cove - 10 - Session 61

Party wanders through the woods finds a beach. Follow beach to river. Camp for the thunderstorm.

The Cursed Cove - 9 - Session 60

Party defeats the gorillas. Finds rope bridge through the treetops. Investigate but turn back. Get lost in the woods. Lose the road.

The Cursed Cove - 8 - Session 59

Party finds and travels down overgrown brick road. Finds hanging corpses. Attacked by Gorillas in the trees. Climb up to fight.