Sunday, April 26, 2015

B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt18 - session 47

Storm the beach. Rain of spears. Chase in the dark. An invisible Magic-user scout. Bridges over lava. More hail of spears. Sir Uool kills the kobold leader, but slips on the bridge. Kasper Greenleaf rushes out to save him but fails. They both plunge to their deaths. Meneleus, Thack, and Cullen continue. Find the kobold stronghold. Move up 60 feet of stairs. Find a room of darkness and a fallen adventurer with potions and scrolls...

Friday, April 24, 2015

B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt17 - session 46

Meneleus, Thack, Uool, Greenleaf, Cullen DeFiltch, and Twandi Shade move past the cube and find themselves in an identical but all new, 8 doored room. They promptly mark the doors and begin taking paths. MEneleus falls into a pit. They get attacked by giant bees. They defeat a lava lizard. And eventually end up at an underground stream which is shallow enough to wade through. They are blocked upstream and after reversing direction and many hundreds of yards, they see a beach ahead, with a small humanoid figure turned away. Meneleus yells out. It turns and spies them, then runs out of sight. The party hurries to the beach. They hear a loud horn sound and suddenly a group of humanoids with spears in hand crests the rise...