Sunday, January 25, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt10 - session 39
Thack uses his Wand of Paralyzation on the bugbear, then the party ties him up and camps for the night. Goblins enter near morning, 2 run for it, but Perceval gets one. The party explores the tunnel beyond the secret door in the tiny cell but it doesn't seem to lead anywhere. Next, they surprise three sleeping goblins and kill them. Inside a chest on the table, they find a strange set of gear. Moving on, they next find a imprisoned thief named Cullen DeFilch T2. They return his gear, and enter a large cave with a stream. Get attacked by three giant centipedes. Thack notices that the stream can sometimes be four feet high so they leave the area. They backtrack but run into 3 more goblins. Kill them. Continue to the foundry and walk up on a hobgoblin. Cullen tries to backstab with the battle axe +1 but fails. The creature alerts the room, which is filled with seven more hobgoblins and a bugbear and a strange old dwarf who hits a goblin in the head with his hammer. Meneleus casts his Sleep spell but the bugbear isn't affected. They battle and kill him. The dwarf is happy to be rescued. His name is Gareth Ironhand D2, and he joins the party. They continue down the hallways and find a room filled with equipment. Meneleus recommends torching it all so the goblin army can't use it. Which they do, next they come upon a locked door and after a few attempts they kick the door in and are greeted by four waiting goblins. The goblins run and the party kills a few but one gets away. Finally, the enter a room like a chapel with 7 rows of pews and a giant pumice statute of the god. Cullen climbs up to filch the gemstones from the eyes, but trips a trap. The statue's mouth opens and 4 robber flies attack.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt9 - session 38
Find a sacrifice pit. And then an armory fully stocked. Took some rations and a crossbow for Greenleaf in lieu of his shield +1. Killed 2 ogres and freed their Neanderthals prisoners. Got a large sack of gold and Thack found a Bag of Holding with a Wand of Paralyzation inside. Onward. Sleep the Hobgoblins and goblins but Kendra dies. Down to the dungeons. Tasted the cooking soup. Attacked by giant hairy goblin with a battle axe. Gimlet dies.
Monday, January 12, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt8 - session 37
Sleep the rats. Find arrow +2 and several coins. Indecision. Fruitless wandering. Split the party in different directions. Then finally, scroll of Detect Magic is cast at fountain. Party drinks. Some win and some lose. Outside and around building. Attacked by goblins from the bramble bushes. Sleep them. Kill leader take his shield +1. Hostage is threatened then released by Kendra. Followed into brambles by Thack and Gimlet. Find metal grate leading down. Head back to double doors. Examine Pillars inside. Thack finds a secret door...
Monday, January 5, 2015
B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt7 - Session 36
Campfire draws 4 ghouls during first watch. Everybody paralyzed. Make it through night. Climb new trail. Dire wolf. Into the sanctuary. find a scroll of Cure Light Wounds (x2), Detect Magic, -------- Find the pool room, but leave and go back to rats hideout.
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