Tuesday, December 30, 2014

B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt6 - Session 35

The party scopes out the Hobgoblin camp. Tawndi and Meneleus find the last of the Gold pouches. Gimlet secured a few wineskins. Thack gets his feet wet in the sticky mud by the lake. Meneleus leads the group toward the distant water bridge at the far end of the lake. Thack and Tawndi scramble up the side and see a canoe approaching on yet another huge lake. Tawndi makes for the tree line and readies an arrow from the hidden safety of the trees. Thack and Meneleus wait at the water's edge. Perceval and Gimlet lie down on the ground in fear. The canoe is paddled by an elf, Kasper Greenleaf E1. After a long stand off, Kasper reveals he is the cousin of Kendra. And has sought her out to prove his innocence in an event that has led to his banishment from the Elven Nations. Kasper joins the party and they make their way along the well worn path through the dense trees. As the afternoon drags on suddenly Meneleus smells smoke ahead and he and Thack pause near the edge of the path. Perceval and Greenleaf hide opposite in the trees. The dwarf and Tawndi follow Meneleus and Thack but behind in the cover of trees. Meneleus spots four hobgoblins at a campfire. Thack sneaks in and steals their swords, butt hey give chase and knock Thack to the ground. Battle ensues. Tawdi sends an arrow from the trees and 2 of the hobgoblins flee. The party rushes to save Thack, then after felling their foes gives chase and hunts down the fleeing partners. The party rests then continues but doesn't make it very far before the path is blocked by a horned chameleon. Meneleus attempts to sneak around but the creature attacks and the party is split. Tawndi suffers a sharp blow. Meneleus fears the worst and casts a scroll of Sleep. The party falls victim but the chameleon is unaffected! Meneleus throws his mirror and wakes up Thack, who wakes up Tawndi for a nice, successful backstab. The party enters the giant clearing as the light fades, a quick walk around reveals an overgrown cemetery. And many of the graves have been recently dug up. The party retreats to the middle of the wide clearing to set up camp for what promises to be a very long night!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt5 - Session 34

The neanderthals bring the party inside their cave. The children try to play with Thack. After some unspoken communication, the party informs them they have killed the Ogre. The neanderthals immediately leave. The party tries to pull the body of Elwin the Worried up the cliff, but it falls. Leaving it behind, the sun going down, they return the cottage, but aren't allowed inside. Giant bats attack in the night. At daybreak they continue and stumble into the camp of the hobgoblins. Meneleus uses Sleep but 2 escape toward a bridge at the end of the pond. T'arr the Mystical is dead.

Monday, December 1, 2014

B5 - Horror on the Hill - pt4 - Session 33

Meneleus gets the lantern lit but the group retreats leaving the two mysterious doors in the Ogre cave unexplored. Outside they make their way toward the rope, but pause to enter the second cave. Inside they find pools of water along the floor. And the passage continually shrinks to almost nothing. Suddenly a swarm of glowing red insects swarms Meneleus. He takes damage before shedding his back page and diving into a pool of nearby water. The dwarf and the Elf run off in the dark for the exit. The swarm turns its attention on the Cleric. Elwin dives in the water. The cleric takes damage trying to make his way out. The Magic-Users sneak past. Elwin makes it out. The Cleric finds water, turning the swarm once more on Meneleus, who falls lifeless in the exit. The elf drags him out and they try to save him. The cleric finally remembers his cure light wounds spell and Meneleus is saved. They climb the rope and get attacked by goblins as the sun sets. They camp the night. And at daybreak return to the cottage. They return the head and the sisters propose their last deal. The party accepts. Off they go, getting attacked near a large strange tree. Finally yet another cliff wall with a cave below. Elwin tries to climb down but falls, missing all rolls to catch himself and a saving throw against death. The group scuttles down, using a potion of healing and 2 cure light wounds spells on their fallen friend, but it is useless: Elwin is dead.