Monday, October 27, 2014

B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess Green - Session 11

(Magic-users continue to be swapped for Psionics play testing.)
Gimlet helps the withered Magic-user out of the bed. As soon as everyone departs, the Doppleganger strikes. Gimlet tries to defend himself but is knocked unconscious. The Doppleganger assumes his visage and rejoins the party. Tawndi asks about the old man. Gimlet says he killed him and sets about checking the statues in the pews. Tawndi and Thack Burrfoot discover Gimlet's body. Tawndi sneaks back. Thack distracts the Doppleganger. Tawdi backstabs with sword +1. They finally kill the creature, then rush back to save Gimlet. Sudarshan uses Psionics and restore just enough hit points for the dwarf to make a saving throw vs. death ray to survive. In the confusion Brother Perceval notices that his maces are gone as is his Ring of Protection +1. A quick head count shows that the two adventuring women are gone!
As Brother Perceval fumes, the party heads north. Into the cleric's quarters where a secret closet is discovered. And among the robes is a mace +1 and plate mail +1. Brother Perceval is relieved. Onward: they visit the game room, witnessing the map of the growing red glow enveloping Haven. They enter the room of eerie music and all but the cleric and Erol Otis flee at the sight if the haunting apparitions. The group flees south into a strange room filled with archer bushes which spray thorns at them. Tawndi makes for the giant white rose bush in the center of the room. The mystic gets grabbed by the bush, drained his blood and turning the petals red crimson. Tawndi hacks and after felling the plant, discovers a second silver drake statue. The day waning, the party heads back to the game room to sleep. But during the Cleric's first watch there is strange activity at the door. Erol Otis takes second watch and is visited thrice. Against reason, he steals Tawndi's sword +1 and removes the spike, padding off to investigate as the party sleeps unprotected.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess Green - Session 10

(Magic-users are swapped for new mystic class and Psionics test play) Awaken for the day. Cleric prays. Mystics meditate. Run into a pair of red robed acolytes first thing. Defeat them then continue to make way through the remainder of the lower level. Battle the troglodytes. Go through the trap door into the upper level at last. Search through the palace magic-user's rooms and lab. Find black kitten. Tawndi touches it with the sword and it transforms into a panther. Kendra feeds it rations. Go around. Run into two women who join the party. Find the bedchambers of the magic-user. He begs them to take him out.

B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess Green - Session 9

Continue through the lower portion of the palace. Encounter and defeat the black bear. Discover the cells of the white apes. Kill the apes. Tawndi can't open the locks. Backtrack to the room stacked with statues. Spent many turns searching through the statues. Everyone gives up but the cleric finds a chest, filled with weapons. Claims a mace. The dwarf takes an axe. Back to the safe room to spike in for the night.