Sunday, May 18, 2014

New Party rolled up:

Thack Burrfoot H3 (YOKO); Erol Otus F2 (NPC); Meneleus MU1 (SAMMY); Tawndi Shade T1 (ALEX); Elwin the Worried MU1 (TOVI); Kendra Ashwood E1 (SETH).

B9 - Castle Caldwell & Beyond - Sanctuary of Eldwin the Ardent – Session 14

TOTAL PARTY KILL!!! Still stinging from defeat in the Church of Wicked Generation, Gilganthos and Jean Que were awakened early by soldiers of the king, who sent them, along with new Adventurers Fleetwood F1 and Coren D1, to recover the famous platinum bell of Namyats. After doing away with the troglodytes and finding their treasure map in their lair, the party entered the fortress, trapped by the falling wall, they made their way deeper, Gilganthos's Sleep spell allowed them to kill Eldwin's clerics, but they fell for the map trap. The humans decided not to relight the lantern, and were led blind to their slaughter by the Orcs. A good one!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Current Party:

Thack Burrfoot H3 (YOKO); Gilganthos E2 (SAMMY); Belraina DECEASED E1 (SETH); Jean Que Scrabblhair H1 (TOVI); Erol Otis F2 (NPC).

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Here's how my B/X campaign is shaking out so far in 2014:
JAN 05 - B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond - Still clearing out the main level. Sister Sonja and Kang both dead. Belrain throws the spears on the roof. Belrain dies, taken back to town for resurrection. JAN 18 - B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond - Gilganthos and Erol Otis venture back to the castle. More clearing. Damage is great but the castle is cleared. Group reports back to Clifton Caldwell and find Belraina returned from her journey with the Monks. FEB 01 - B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond - Erol Otis leaves to care for pregnant sister. Belraina rejoins party for dungeon level. FEB 15 - B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond - Clear the dungeon level. FEB 23 - B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond - Abduction of Prin. Sylvia. MAR 02 - B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond - Abduction of Prin. Sylvia finish. Thack leaves group.
MAR 29 - 1PD Church of the Wicked Generation - Gilganthos and Belraina recruit Jean Que Scrabblhair the halfling to explore the burned out church. APR 06 - 1PD Church of the Wicked Generation - Jean Que gains Cowl of Dampening. Belraina dies holding off the zombies. MAY 03 - 1PD Church of the Wicked Generation - Unsuccessful at finding the hidden treasury.